Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Angstrom Advanced Inc was invited to a 2013 International Biomass Conference

April 9th 2013 Minneapolis, MN, United States
Angstrom Advanced Inc was invited to Minneapolis, MN to speak about the future of using Hydrogen (Steam Reforming and PSA technology) to improve Biomass development and economy, at the 2013 International Biomass Conference and Expo.
"Today we focus on hydrogen-from-biomass. As a renewable energy source, biomass can either be used directly, or indirectly—once or converted into another type of energy product such as bio-fuel.
By processing biomass through various routes, we can get lots of products such as bio oil, biogas, biodiesel, ethanol… but it’s better to transform them further to hydrogen through reforming reaction while collecting the carbon dioxide meanwhile.
The most important reason we adopt hydrogen as final energy carrier instead of other forms is the inherit properties of hydrogen:1) clean, 2) inexhaustible, 3) high energy density. " More articles will be released about using Hydrogen in Biomass projects. Please pay attention to our press releases.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Angstrom Advanced Ammonia Decomposition Hydrogen Generating Plant

Angstrom Advanced Hydrogen Generating Plant by Ammonia Decomposition
Our instruments and plants here at Angstrom Advanced have been delivered to many renowned organizations

For more information please call Angstrom Advanced at: 781.519.4765

Request an Estimate

Hydrogen Generating Plant by Ammonia Decomposition offers a variety of benefits. The system by Angstrom Advanced is low cost, has a long service life, simple operation, compact structure, small coverage, and simple installation. The system vaporizes liquid ammonia, and heats it with a catalyst until decomposition occurs, creating a mixture of gas consisting of 75% hydrogen and 25% nitrogen. Based on the principle that the molecular sieve adsorbs ammonia and water at different temperatures, high purity gas is produced by heat regenerating through the mixture working at normal temperature.

Hydrogen Production
Impurity Oxygen
Residual Ammonia
Dew Point
Dew Point

Friday, May 16, 2014

Angstrom Advanced Knowledge Base: A Short Introduction to XRD

Angstrom Advanced Knowledge base: a short introduction to XRD
Our instruments and plants here at Angstrom Advanced have been delivered to many renowned organizations

1. What are X-Rays?

  • Electromagnetic radiation
  • Originate in energy shells of atom
  • Produced when electrons interact with a target.

2. How are X-rays produced?

When fast-moving electrons slam into a metal object, x-rays are produced .The kinetic energy of the electron is transformed into electromagnetic energy.
3. How does X-ray Powder Diffraction Work?

X-ray diffractometers consist of three basic elements: an X-ray tube, a sample holder, and an X-ray detector.

When a monochromatic x-ray beam with wavelength l is incident on the lattice planes in a crystal planes in a crystal at an angle q, diffraction occurs only when the distance traveled by the rays reflected from successive planes differs by a complete number n of wavelengths. By varying the angleq, the Bragg’s Law conditions are satisfied by different d-spacing in polycrystalline materials. Plotting the angular positions and intensities of the resultant diffraction peaks produces a pattern which is characterized of the sample. Where a mixture of different phases is present, the diffractogram is formed by addition of the individual patterns.
4. Bragg’s Law

For parallel planes of atoms, with a space dhkl between them, constructive interference only occurs when Bragg’s law is satisfied. The X-ray wavelength ƛ is fixed. – Each plane of atoms produces a diffraction peak at a specific angle q. The direction perpendicular to the planes must bisect the incident and diffracted beams.

4. What can we do with XRD?

  • Identify phase composition
  • Measure unit cell lattice parameters
  • Estimate crystallite size, microstrain, and defect concentration
  • Measure residual stress
  • Measure texture and/or epitaxy
  • Evaluate thin film quality
  • Measure multilayer thin film thickness, roughness, and density
  • Determine orientation of single crystals
  • Solve or refine crystal structures
  • Analyze ordered meso- and nanostructures

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Angstrom Advanced - The Path to Hydrogen: Producing clean, storable fuel from biomass

April 5th 2013 Boston, United States
North America Clean Energy, the leading magazine and internet media in Renewable Energy sector published again an article from us about our innovative collaboration of Hydrogen and Biomass technology. "A new application of hydrogen is being deployed which is helping solve humanity’s ever-evolving energy woes. Traditionally, hydrogen has a large number of applications – used in everything from industrial products to food packaging. Ammonia used in fertilizer and industrial processes amounted to 160 Million tons worldwide in 2011; hydrogen is a primary component in ammonia. The market demand for new, less expensive sources of hydrogen is driven heavily by fertilizer and manufacturing, however, a new market demand is emerging for hydrogen in another sector – energy. Power plants in Germany as well as Canada (using wind and natural gas, respectively) are today supplementing their primary electrical generators with advanced configurations of hydrogen technologies. These retrofits help the plants save money by smoothing supply, converting excess electricity generated into storable hydrogen gas which can be returned to electricity using a turbine generator or a fuel cell. " (The drawing is referred to a famous biomass manufacturer, Nexterra)
Click here to learn more about this article.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Angstrom Advanced Knowledge Base: Atomic Force Microscopes and Scanning Probe Microscopes

The AFM consists of a cantilever with a sharp tip (probe) at its end that is used to scan the specimen surface. The cantilever is a silicon or silicon nitride with a tip radius of curvature on the order of nanometers. When the tip is brought into proximity of a sample surface, forces between the tip and the sample lead to a deflection of the cantilever according to Hooke's law. Depending on the situation, forces that are measured in AFM include mechanical contact force, van der Waals forces, capillary forces, chemical bonding, electrostatic forces, magnetic forces, Casimir forces, solvation forces, etc. Along with force, additional quantities may simultaneously be measured through the use of specialized types of probe. Typically, the deflection is measured using a laser spot reflected from the top surface of the cantilever into an array of photodiodes. Other methods that are used include optical interferometry, capacitive sensing or piezoresistive AFM cantilevers. These cantilevers are fabricated with piezoresistive elements that act as a strain gauge. Using a Wheatstone bridge, strain in the AFM cantilever due to deflection can be measured, but this method is not as sensitive as laser deflection or interferometry. Our instruments and plants here at Angstrom Advanced have been delivered to many renowned organizations

Atomic force microscope topographical scan of a glass surface. The micro and nano-scale features of the glass can be observed, portraying the roughness of the material. The image space is (x,y,z) = (20um x 20um x 420nm).If the tip was scanned at a constant height, a risk would exist that the tip collides with the surface, causing damage. The feedback mechanism is employed to adjust the tip-to-sample distance to maintain a constant force between the tip and the sample. The sample is mounted on a piezoelectric tube, that can move the sample in the z direction for maintaining a constant force, and the x and y directions for scanning the sample. The tip is mounted on a piezo scanner while the sample is being scanned in X and Y using another piezo block. The resulting map of the area z = f(x,y) represents the topography of the sample. 

The AFM can be operated in a number of modes, depending on the application. In general, possible imaging modes are divided into contact modes and a non-contact modes where the cantilever is vibrated.

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) 

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) or scanning force microscopy (SFM) is a very high-resolution type of scanning probe microscopy, with demonstrated resolution on the order of fractions of a nanometer, more than 1000 times better than the optical diffraction limit. The precursor to the AFM, the scanning tunneling microscope, was developed by Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer in the early 1980s at IBM Research - Zurich, a development that earned them the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1986. Binnig, Quate and Gerber invented the first atomic force microscope (also abbreviated as AFM) in 1986. The first commercially available atomic force microscope was introduced in 1989. The AFM is one of the foremost tools for imaging, measuring, and manipulating matter at the nanoscale. The information is gathered by "feeling" the surface with a mechanical probe. Piezoelectric elements that facilitate tiny but accurate and precise movements on (electronic) command enable the very precise scanning. In some variations, electric potentials can also be scanned using conducting cantilevers. In newer more advanced versions, currents can even be passed through the tip to probe the electrical conductivity or transport of the underlying surface, but this is much more challenging with very few research groups reporting reliable data. 

Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) 

Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) is a branch of microscopy that forms images of surfaces using a physical probe that scans the specimen. An image of the surface is obtained by mechanically moving the probe in a raster scan of the specimen, line by line, and recording the probe-surface interaction as a function of position. SPM was founded with the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope in 1981. 
Many scanning probe microscopes can image several interactions simultaneously. The manner of using these interactions to obtain an image is generally called a mode. 
The resolution varies somewhat from technique to technique, but some probe techniques reach a rather impressive atomic resolution. They owe this largely to the ability of piezoelectric actuators to execute motions with a precision and accuracy at the atomic level or better on electronic command. One could rightly call this family of techniques "piezoelectric techniques". The other common denominator is that the data are typically obtained as a two-dimensional grid of data points, visualized in false color as a computer image. 

Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) 

A scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is an instrument for imaging surfaces at the atomic level. Its development in 1981 earned its inventors, Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer (at IBM Zürich), the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986. For an STM, good resolution is considered to be 0.1 nm lateral resolution and 0.01 nm depth resolution. With this resolution, individual atoms within materials are routinely imaged and manipulated. The STM can be used not only in ultra high vacuum but also in air, water, and various other liquid or gas ambients, and at temperatures ranging from near zero kelvin to a few hundred degrees Celsius. 
The STM is based on the concept of quantum tunneling. When a conducting tip is brought very near to the surface to be examined, a bias (voltage difference) applied between the two can allow electrons to tunnel through the vacuum between them. The resulting tunneling current is a function of tip position, applied voltage, and the local density of states (LDOS) of the sample. Information is acquired by monitoring the current as the tip's position scans across the surface, and is usually displayed in image form. STM can be a challenging technique, as it requires extremely clean and stable surfaces, sharp tips, excellent vibration control, and sophisticated electronics. 

Magnetic force microscope (MFM) 

Magnetic force microscope (MFM) is a variety of atomic force microscope, where a sharp magnetized tip is scanning the magnetic sample; the tip-sample magnetic interactions are detected and used to reconstruct the magnetic structure of the sample surface. Many kinds of magnetic interactions are measured by MFM, including magnetic dipole–dipole interaction. 

Electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) 

Electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) is a type of dynamic non-contact atomic force microscopy where the electrostatic force is probed. ("Dynamic" here means that the cantilever is oscillating and does not make contact with the sample). This force arises due to the attraction or repulsion of separated charges. It is a long-ranged force and can be detected 100 nm from the sample. For example, consider a conductive cantilever tip and sample which are separated a distance z usually by a vacuum. A bias voltage between tip and sample is applied by an external battery forming a capacitor between the two. The capacitance of the system depends on the geometry of the tip and sample. 

Conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) 

Conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) is a variation of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), which uses electrical current to construct the surface profile of the studied sample. The current is flowing through the metal-coated tip of the microscope and the conducting sample. Usual AFM topography, obtained by vibrating the tip, is acquired simultaneously with the current. This enables to correlate a spatial feature on the sample with its conductivity, and distinguishes C-AFM from STM where only current is recorded. A C-AFM microscope uses conventional silicon tips coated with a metal or metallic alloy, such as Pt-Ir alloy. 

Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM) 

Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM) measures the deflection of the cantilever in the horizontal direction . The lateral deflection of the cantilever is a result of the force applied to the cantilever when it moves horizontally across the sample surface,and the magnitude of this deflection is determined by the frictional coefficient, the topography of the sample surface, the direction of the cantilever movement, and the cantilever’s lateral spring constant. Lateral Force Microscopy is very useful for studying a sample whose surface consists of inhomogeneous compounds. It is also used to enhance contrast at the edge of an abruptly changing slope of a sample surface, or at a boundary between different compounds. 
The base of Atomic Force Microscope holds the detector, AFM Head.It also has environmental control attachment along with other optional attachments such as Vibration Isolation System.

The SPM Controller handles all SPM electronics such as signal processing and feedback programming.
The Controller inputs commands from a control computer via 60 pin cable and outputs the control signals that are needed for operating an AFM stage. Additional signals from the stage are relayed through the SPM Controller via the Network cable to the control computer. 
At the rear of the Controller, in addition to the Network cable connection, there are two input/output ribbon cables. A 60-pin cable is used to send and receive signals from the microscope stage. A second 50-pin cable is used for accessing all of SPM Controllers signals for testing or experimentation.
AFM Head holds the following components: 
XY Translation Stage: Holds probe head, movable in XY direction by XY translation screws and in Z direction by controls in software 
Position Sensitive Photo detector (PSPD): Detects laser deflections, which is then converted into a topographical map 
PSPD adjustment screws: controls position of PSPD; screw on left controls up and down adjustment; screw on right controls left right adjustment 
Laser Beam Steering Screws: controls position of laser on back of cantilever 

AFM Tipholder:
1 Tip holder Handle
2 Spring Clip which secure the cantilever
3 Cantilever notch

STM Tipholder:
1 Tip holder Handle
2 Installation tube for Pt-Ir or tungsten tips
The Software is available with the following data types of images 
AFM Contact Mode: 
Topography — the rise and fall of the sample surface. 
Deflection — cantilever flexes because of the rise and fall of sample topography and the amount of this deflection can 
be reflected by the Photodectetor’s Up-Down signal. 
Friction — lateral forces between tip and sample, which causes the torsion of the cantilever and can be reflected by the Photodectetor’s Left-Right signal. 

AFM Tapping Mode: 
Topography — he rise and fall of the sample surface. 
Amplitude — antilever oscillating amplitude changes because of the rise and fall of sample topography. 
Phase — cantilever oscillating phase changes because of the sample material characteristics. 

Scanning Tunneling Microscope: 
Topography —the rise and fall of the sample surface. 
Current — Tunneling current changes between tip and sample surface.

Different kinds of probes can be used in an Atomic Force Microscope. Proper probe selection depends on sample characteristics and system conditions. 

Metal Probes 
Probe used in STM must be conductive and a atomic-sharp tip is required. STM tips can be obtain by simply cut (for Pt-Ir) and electronically eroded (for tungsten). 

Cantilever Probes 
A flexible cantilever with an atomic-sharp tip is widely used in AFM as below. 

Most cantilever probes are made by Si or SiN with different types of coatings and different shape and size. 
Different samples and system conditions required different cantilevers. 

Contact Mode: Theoretically all kinds of cantilever probes can be used in contact mode. But because of the different Force constant parameters, harder cantilever will cause the sample damages with the same amount of deflection. 

Tapping Mode: A oscillating cantilever is required in Tapping mode. So theoretically using cantilevers with higher resonance frequency will give better resolution. Cantilevers with larger force constant and higher resonance frequency (normally over 200kHz) should be chosen.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Angstrom Advanced Hydrogen Generating Plant by Methanol Cracking

Angstrom Advanced Hydrogen Generating Plant by Methanol

Our instruments and plants here at Angstrom Advanced have been delivered to many renowned organizations

For more information please call Angstrom Advanced at: 781.519.4765

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 Hydrogen generation by methanol decomposition was developed in the last two decades. This technology by Angstrom Advanced features low cost, simple user friendly operation and very easy maintenance
·         - Methanol is converted to CO and H2 with the action of the catalyst;
·         - CO and H2O are converted to CO2 and H2 with the action of the catalyst;
·         - CO2 and trace CO are separated from the decomposed gases by PSA technology, and high purity of H2 is generated.
Hydrogen output
0.8-2.0 MPa
Purity %

Monday, May 5, 2014

Angstrom Advanced Nitrogen Generating Plant by Membrane Separation

Angstrom Advanced Nitrogen Generating Plant by Membrane Separation

Our instruments and plants here at Angstrom Advanced have been delivered to many renowned organizations

www.angstromadvancedinc.comFor more information please call Angstrom Advanced at: 781.519.4765Request an Estimate

In this setup compressed air is pumped through a compressor filter and then through the polymer membrane filters. Due to variable solubility and proliferation factors, different gasses in the air penetrate the membrane at different rates, allowing for their separation. Based on their diffusion rates, the gasses in the air are then placed into one of two categories: “rapid gas” or “slow gas.” After being compacted and purified (to remove oil, water, and dust), the air will be passed through the membrane in order to create a separation of the gasses. The “rapid gasses,” oxygen, carbon dioxide, and some vapors, will be the first to infiltrate the membrane wall, and exit through a discharge port via air pressure. Because nitrogen is characterized as a “slow gas,” it will flow from the gas collector at the end of the pressure box, and finally enter a buffer tank where it will be stored.

Nitrogen Production
Nitrogen Purity
Dew Point
Work Pressure
0-2.0 Mpa

Angstrom Advanced Pressure Swing Adsorption Nitrogen Oxygen Plant

Angstrom Advanced Nitrogen/Oxygen Generating Plant by Pressure Swing Adsorption

Our instruments and plants here at Angstrom Advanced have been delivered to many renowned organizations

For more information please call Angstrom Advanced at: 781.519.4765


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Angstrom Advanced PSA Nitrogen/Oxygen generator gets N2 / O2 by pressure swing adsorption principle at normal temperature using clean compressed air as raw material and carbon molecular sieve as adsorbent. Because of the different adsorption of oxygen and nitrogen on carbon molecular sieve surface as well as different diffusion rate through the open /close of program control valve; separation of oxygen and nitrogen is achieved and N2 of required purify is created.

N2 capacity
1-2000 Nm3/h
N2 purity %
O2 capacity
10-500 Nm3/h
O2 purity %
Dew Point
Transmittance Accuracy
± 0.5%T
Transmittance Repeatability
Stray Light
< 0.2%T (NaNO2)

Angstrom Advanced Cryogenic Technology Liquid Nitrogen-Oxygen-Argon Plant

Angstrom Advanced Liquid Nitroge/Oxygen/Argon Plant by Cryogenic Technology
Our instruments and plants here at Angstrom Advanced have been delivered to many renowned organizations


For more information please call Angstrom Advanced at: 781.519.4765

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Angstrom Advanced Liquid Nitrogen/Oxygen/Argon Plants by Cryogenic Technology are top of the line systems. Our generator applications cover a range of production rates depending on the settings employed: Oxygen: 5~10,000L/H, Nitroge: 5~10,000L/H, and Argon: 1~500L/H. The Cryogenic Engine features Fully Automatic G-M cold head with integral contrlos. It also includes high efficiency frequency drive with water cooling or optional air cooling. Fully automatic programmable logic controls (PLC) provide many features and modes including auto start, timed run, auto purge, etc. At the time of the order, an Optional Chiller can be attached to liquefier unit to allow continuous operation up to 45°C. The output purity of each gas generated from the plant are as follows: Nitrogen-99.9999% Oxygen -99.95% Argon- 99.9999%.
Input Air Pressure
Working Pressure
Power Supply
AC 220V/50Hz, 110V/60Hz

Angstrom Advanced Hydrogen Generating Plant by Ammonia Decomposition

Angstrom Advanced Hydrogen Generating Plant by Ammonia Decomposition

Our instruments and plants here at Angstrom Advanced have been delivered to many renowned organizations

For more information please call Angstrom Advanced at: 781.519.4765


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Angstrom Advanced Hydrogen Generating Plant by Ammonia Decomposition offers a variety of benefits. The system is low cost, has a long service life, simple operation, compact structure, small coverage and simple installation. The system vaporizes liquid ammonia, and heats it with a catalyst until decomposition occurs, creating a mixture of gas consisting of 75% hydrogen and 25% nitrogen. Based on the principle that the molecular sieve adsorbs ammonia and water at different temperatures, high purity gas is produced by heat regenerating through the mixture working at normal temperature.

Hydrogen Production
Impurity Oxygen
Residual Ammonia
Dew Point
Dew Point

Angstrom Advanced Pressure Swing Adsorption Hydrogen Generating Plant

Angstrom Advanced Hydrogen Generating Plant by PSA with H2 Purifying System

Our instruments and plants here at Angstrom Advanced have been delivered to many renowned organizations


For more information please call Angstrom Advanced at: 781.519.4765

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Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) is used to separate hydrogen gas from other gases by feeding the gas under a certain pressure. This separation process occurs in an adsorption tower and is advantageous in its low cost, low capacity, minimal maintenance requirements and user-friendly interface. The H2 Purifying System removes oxygen from hydrogen via a catalyst to obtain high purity H2 after adsorption and drying through the dust filter. The system can remove oxygen down to levels of 1ppm. Through one step of purification, the purity of the hydrogen generated can reach between 99.999~99.9999% and the dew point can be lower than -70°C; Through a second purification step, impurities can be lowered down to less than 0.1ppm and dew point can be lowered to -90°C.

Gas Treatment
H2 purity %
Dew Point
Oxygen Content